A Document is an item that your visitors will be able to download to view. Common documents include bulletins, permission forms and newsletters. Usually these items are posted to the website as PDFs but they can be posted as other file types as well.
- Starting at the Control Panel, click the Add Document button.
- Add the Document Title to the “Title” field
- Click the “Upload” button and browse to find the document to upload
- Select the Category from the Category dropdown list
- OPTIONAL: The system will place the current date/time in this field. If you wish for it to be different, you can override it.
- OPTIONAL: If you don’t want the document to show (become published) until a certain date, set the date here.
- If you want the document to stop publishing (become un-published) on a certain date, add the date here.
- OPTIONAL: Add tags to your document for easier search and additional front-end possibilities. You can add a new tag here or start to type and select an existing one.
- Click “Save & Close” (If you want to add another document, click “Save & New”)