From the article edit screen, click Image in the lower left of the article body.
This opens the image manager. Pictures can be added from this screen via the upload option at the bottom of the image manager screen. Select picture in the pop-up. Click Insert in the upper right of the pop-up.
Align the image to the left or the right.
Align before clicking insert or use the Align Left, Align Center or Align Right buttons on the toolbar while the image is highlighted in the article.
Minimal Resizing of image depending on browser
A two-headed arrow appears in Chrome Firefox.
Resize your image before uploading
Pictures inside of articles are best at about 500 pixels wide.
Click the Save button
The button is located at the top-right part of your screen.
Check your work
It is a good policy to check the public view of the website to make sure your article is displayed as you intended.
Working in the Image Manager --- Click the Image Manager on the Control Panel
Sort, Organize and Delete Images
Click on a picture will bring up the full version of the image. Clicking the board around the image will allow you to select it and act on it (delete or move)
Other actions: create new folders. Upload multiple images at one time