Getting people to actually install your app is the biggest hurdle.  Launching your app correctly is paramount to it's effectiveness.  Below is example kit / example that was implemented at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Wichita Kansas.  There are about 1,100 registered families.  With their launch they were able to get about 750 installs.  The first 7 days of launching the app they had 14,099 pages viewed. 

  • Homily on Social Communication: Fr. Jirak (Social Media - A Gift from God - Homily from Father John Jirak.mp3)
    • During Homily he encouraged people to pull out their phones and install the app right then and there.
  • Posters: with Graphic of App and QR code to be posted all around parish and parish office (App Poster.jpg)
  • Bulletin promotion - Graphic of the App Poster placed in bulletin (Bulletin.jpg)
  • Facebook, twitter, other social media promotion: (Facebook Post.jpg & Twitter Post.jpg)
  • TV Displays - all parish TVs displayed graphic encouraging people to download it: (TV Display.jpg)
  • Parish wide Email about App: (Email about App.pdf)
  • Create Permanent Home on the Website: (Homepage.jpg)
  • School Newsletter Story 
  • Postcard Drive: About 1 month after initial launch also used to promote parish picnic
  • Communication to Parish Leaders: announcement during meetings
  • iBeacons: Deliver bulletins weekly via a push notification that gets sent as they leave the church.